Boost Your Business With Website Conversion Marketing

 Just what is website conversion marketing and how can it help you? Put simply, it uses analytics (the process of using statistics, computer programming and operations research to measure performance) to improve customer experience and ultimately to increase sales. It helps visitors navigate your site and find what they are looking for easily. In real-time it can determine if a visitor is confused or ready to leave your site. Through the use of messages, chat opportunities or redirection, it attempts to convert your visitor into a customer.

The conversion rate is defined as the number of goal achievements divided by the number of visits. A goal achievement could be the sale of a product or service, a membership registration, a newsletter subscription, a download, etc. Whatever your particular goal.

Website conversion marketing makes it easy for your visitors to get around your site, showcases your products, services and information in an effective way and, in return, you learn your customers' preferences, what they would like to see and how you can improve customer satisfaction. Unlike other search engine optimization strategies, it does not focus on increasing traffic; it improves your success by helping you convert existing traffic into customers. By using a conversion marketing platform, internet marketers have been able to increase their conversion rate by double-digit.

Some of the methods used to increase conversion rates are:

  • Improve website design, usability, and navigation.
  • Give visitors an opportunity to write a review of their experience on your site.
  • Introduce similar or compatible items to encourage repeat customers.

Improving your visitor's satisfaction while on your site and as a customer will go a long way in generating sales and repeat customers. Make it easy for visitors to contact you, have a clear return policy, offer various payment options and keep your customer informed regarding shipping and expected delivery time.

If you are not a web designer or technologically savvy, you may want to use a company or expert to optimize your site for conversion marketing. There are many companies available and many are well recommended. Do your research to ensure maximum return on your investment.

There is a lot to know about conversion marketing. This article is just a summary of the process. To be comprehensive would require more space than is available here. However, I hope this introduction will inspire you to delve deeper and apply the basics to your business. You will not be disappointed.


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